The Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit is commissioned by the Hull Local authority to provide 41 primary alternative provision places. Admissions are made through a referral to the Hull Fair Access Panel, with cases reviewed on an individual basis. Our Steps To Success team provide outreach support in mainstream school across the city as the first step of intervention for a referral.
The Whitehouse PRU is also responsible for providing day 6 education provision for the city of Hull, this is in the case of permanent exclusions. Pupils will be admitted to The Whitehouse to provide an education offer.
All pupils at The Whitehouse all pupils have a Graduated Response document including the strategies their mainstream settings have tried to support them in school. During a child’s Whitehouse placement, successful strategies will be added to their Graduated Response to support a successful transition to their next educational setting.
As part of the admissions process, we like to get to know you. This might include a visit to meet your child in their mainstream setting or in the home. We welcome visits to our setting to meet the staff and see our school environment.