Parents and carers

We welcome and value your support as a parent or carer.

We know that parental involvement has a strong and positive influence on a child’s level of attainment: the more parents get involved the higher the level of the pupil’s attainment. As a school we are committed to working closely with families to ensure we can provide the best education and provision for your child. This can be achieved through open communication and ensuring that we effectively share information. We have an open-door policy and welcome any information or concerns you must ensure we can effectively support your child in school.

As a parent or carer there may be times when you may need some more support and we are happy to listen. This is provided through your child’s class teacher or class team and our Designated Safeguarding Lead; Jake Thompson or our Child Protection Officers; Gail Mansfield and Kelly Pullen.

“Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit is a calm and friendly environment.”


“Pupils are happy, enjoy coming to school and say that they feel safe.”


“Staff know the pupils well and pupils respond to these positive relationships.”


“Parents comment that their children’s behaviour improves significantly after joining the school.”


“By the time a pupil leaves the school, they are well prepared for either mainstream school or specialist provision.”


“Leaders, staff and governors are ambitious for pupils to achieve their potentials.”


“Teachers encourage pupils to develop a love of reading. Pupils have access to lots of different types of books.”


“Pupils enjoy taking part in a wide range of activities that broaden their learning.”


“Pupils can concentrate on their work because behaviour is managed exceptionally well.”


“Members of the governing body and the wider academy trust are ambitious for the school and for what pupils can achieve.”


“Pupils’ ability to manage their own anger and emotions improves after joining the school.”
