Mental Health Support Networks


An online mental wellbeing community. Access 365 days a year to counsellors who are available 12 noon – 10pm on Monday-Friday, and from 6pm –10pm at weekends. Access via mobile, laptop or tablet.

Contact: and click the ‘join Kooth’ button.


Chat online with a counsellor about whatever’s worrying you. Either send a
message, call, or read and post to the message boards.

Contact: or call 08001111.

Young Minds

Are you a young person in crisis?

Text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.

If you need urgent help, text YM to 85258.

All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.
Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus.

Call our Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.

Call us for free on 0808 802 5544 from 9:30am – 4pm, Mon – Fri.


MiLife is a project commissioned by young people for young people, exploring how everyone can experience better emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Check out their website at


Mind’s Infoline advisors provide information on a range of topics including:

  • types of mental health problem
  • where to get help
  • medication and alternative treatments
  • advocacy.

They will look for details of help and support in your own area.

The Helpline is open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

Tel: 0300 123 3393
Text: 86463

The Mix

The Mix is the here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts that people under 25 have in order to give them the best support through our digital and phone services in the following ways:

  • A free and confidential helpline – 0808 808 4994. Available 365 days via phone, email or webchat.
  • The Mix website – offering essential support and advice on everything from sex and relationships to mental health and well being
  • Discussion boards – an online community for young people where they can talk anonymously about anything on their mind
  • Live Chat – online chat rooms allow young people to have a safe space to share what’s on their mind

NHS – Every mind matters

Every Mind Matters gives you simple and practical advice to get a healthier mind and get more out of life – from how to deal with stress and anxiety, to boosting our mood or sleeping better. It will help you spot the signs of common mental health conditions, get personalised practical self-care tips and information on further support. You’ll also learn about what you can do to help others.

“Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit is a calm and friendly environment where pupils are happy and feel safe.”


“Staff know the pupils well, and pupils respond positively to these strong relationships.”


“Parents comment that their children’s behaviour improves significantly after joining the school.”


“Pupils listen carefully to their teachers and to each other, creating a calm and focused learning environment.”


“By the time a pupil leaves the school, they are well prepared for either mainstream school or specialist provision.”


“Teachers have high aspirations for their pupils, and pupils work hard to achieve them.”


“Leaders, staff, and governors are ambitious for pupils to achieve their full potential.”


“Teachers skilfully support pupils’ specific special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).”


“Pupils learn to read with confidence and can explain past events and infer what might happen next in a story.”


“Pupils enjoy a wide range of activities that broaden their learning, including drama, cheerleading, and school trips.”


“The school has systems in place to track individual pupils’ progress, ensuring they are continually challenged.”


“Classrooms and corridors are calm, with pupils showing respect to their peers, teachers, and visitors.”


“Teachers help pupils anticipate when they might become angry, improving their ability to manage their emotions.”


“Staff feel valued and proud to work at the school, receiving strong support from senior leaders.”


“The governing body and the wider academy trust are ambitious for the school, ensuring both staff and pupils are well-supported.”
