Many of the children attending Whitehouse may not have experienced offsite visits at their mainstream setting due to the risks posed by challenging behaviour.
Visits and visitors are an essential part of our curriculum both as a way of sparking interest in learning and practising the skills needed to have a successful visit off the school site.
Children will rehearse changes to their routine and environment to allow them to manage these changes better when transitioning to their next educational setting. Whether it is a trip to a museum, park, gallery or theatre, by using these visits to enhance the curriculum we can re-engage the hardest-to-reach learners into the curriculum and ensure better learning outcomes for all.
Many of the visits reliant on an indoor venue have been postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, however we continue to offer an enhanced curriculum through expert visitors coming in to school. Wherever possible we are also taking our offsite visits outdoors to ensure that the children still receive the same high quality, exciting, curriculum.