
Why do we teach Computing at The Whitehouse?

At The Whitehouse we want to prepare our pupils for life in a continually changing digital and technological society. Technology is everywhere and plays a pivotal role, and will continue to do so, in our students’ lives. This means it is imperative that we provide them with the skills they need to flourish in a digital world.

We understand the accessibility opportunities technology can provide for our pupils and want them to use technology positively, responsibly, and safely whilst they develop their knowledge, skills and vocabulary. It is recognised that the computing industry is a career pathway of choice for many individuals with similar needs to the pupils at The Whitehouse.

It is a curriculum area that does not present the usual barriers to learning, has high levels of engagement and gives all of our pupils an opportunity to flourish. Therefore, we design and ambitious computing curriculum full of up to date high quality memorable activities.

What is the Computing curriculum offer at The Whitehouse?

Our Computing curriculum offer at The Whitehouse focuses on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety. Building pupils skills and knowledge in computing will allow them to effectively demonstrate their learning through the creative use of technology across the curriculum and encourage staff to embed computing across all curriculum areas in order to make learning creative and fun.

We encourage our children to become responsible digital citizens and emphasise the importance of online safety. At Whitehouse, due to specific needs of our pupils, they are more susceptible to possible grooming and online bullying. Therefore, E Safety is more than just a week, it is a continual thread that weaves through the curriculum that we teach to all year groups. Our children are aware of how to keep themselves safe and how to report concerns about inappropriate content or cyber-bullying incidents.

How are the knowledge and skills acquired in Computing?

Knowledge and skills at The Whitehouse are developed through a widely diverse and engaging curriculum offer, all children complete tasks in both the digital and real world. For example, children learn to code both through computer programmes and in hands on examples such as Crumble Kits.

This variety of tasks ensures that children have an opportunity to achieve in the Computing Curriculum, regardless of any perceived barriers to learning. As previously mentioned we have a particular focus on E-Safety throughout the curriculum, this aims to develop the necessary life skills to ensure that all children at The Whitehouse are able to safeguard themselves in the digital world.

What enrichment opportunities do pupils receive in Computing?

Enrichment is a key focus of our Computing offer, we aim for all children to be involved in at least one activity throughout the year. Examples of this include Minecraft clubs, coding competitions and E-Safety work carried out throughout the year. This supplements an already rich and diverse curriculum, which the children enjoy!

Further information

  • LTP’s etc

“Whitehouse Pupil Referral Unit is a calm and friendly environment where pupils are happy and feel safe.”


“Staff know the pupils well, and pupils respond positively to these strong relationships.”


“Parents comment that their children’s behaviour improves significantly after joining the school.”


“Pupils listen carefully to their teachers and to each other, creating a calm and focused learning environment.”


“By the time a pupil leaves the school, they are well prepared for either mainstream school or specialist provision.”


“Teachers have high aspirations for their pupils, and pupils work hard to achieve them.”


“Leaders, staff, and governors are ambitious for pupils to achieve their full potential.”


“Teachers skilfully support pupils’ specific special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).”


“Pupils learn to read with confidence and can explain past events and infer what might happen next in a story.”


“Pupils enjoy a wide range of activities that broaden their learning, including drama, cheerleading, and school trips.”


“The school has systems in place to track individual pupils’ progress, ensuring they are continually challenged.”


“Classrooms and corridors are calm, with pupils showing respect to their peers, teachers, and visitors.”


“Teachers help pupils anticipate when they might become angry, improving their ability to manage their emotions.”


“Staff feel valued and proud to work at the school, receiving strong support from senior leaders.”


“The governing body and the wider academy trust are ambitious for the school, ensuring both staff and pupils are well-supported.”
